On 06/04/2015 05:22 PM, Scott Ritchie wrote:
Do cloud providers like Amazon S3 count as a CDN here? It's very low barrier to entry, just make an account. As far as automation goes, you could just mirror whatever ftp structure you were going to build into s3 with something like s3fs.
Generally a CDN has several advantages; first, it mirrors across the world, so folks get to download from a more local source. Second, it tends to price more favorably.
I've done some further research, and I think we may be looking at more of a cost than we might like.
Google's pricing for network traffic is 12 cents / Gig. That's about $500/month for these downloads.
Looks like other CDNs will get you down as low as 6 cents / Gig, which is still fairly pricey for us.
Digital Ocean essentially advertises $0.02/Gig, but they don't make promises on rate, and I saw some concerns about their overall stability (e.g. indications that there were uptime issues).
Note that Amazon's free tier lets you have 15G of data before they cap you.
Sadly, I think CodeWeavers does not have enough head room; we're using about 30 Mbps (95th percentile) on our CDN, and if I read the numbers right, these downloads would push us over our 50 Mbps limit.
CodeWeavers could probably negotiate a modest price for a bump on that cap to make room for the Wine downloads; I think we're overpaying now, so I suspect I have some leverage <grin>.
There may be a CDN willing to give Wine a deal, as we're a non profit. I'll shoot a note of to SFC to see if they have a CDN they deal with.
Bottom line: whatever other complaints we have about SourceForge, they've been providing an incredible value all these years.