I'm not sure about some of the false positives you mention 'Product' should be 'Produkt' IMHO
Produkt is old spelling, Product is correct now (see for example wikipedia).
Waveform doesn't really look like a false positive
Waveform could be translated as Golfvorm, though in context of the WAV file format (which I suppose it is used), Waveform makes more sense IMO.
Certification Practice Statement (and similar like OCSP) should probably be translated, maybe suffixed with (CPS)... at least in French it is IIRC; not sure about Dutch windows
Maybe I'm wrong, since Dutch is not my first language.
Certification Practice Statement (and those other similar ones), don't have any correct translation. They could be translated word by word, but it is common practice to use the English words in those cases. Couldn't find where it is used on dutch windows, but atleast on Microsoft technet they're talking about Certification Practice Statement and On-line Certificate Status Protocol, so it's probably in windows too.
- Matijn