On Apr 3, 2005 4:33 PM, James Hawkins truiken@gmail.com wrote:
I've been fixing tests that fail on all of Win9x/XP/2003, and I've found a difference between the way we insert new values. What happens in advapi32/tests/registry.c - test_enum_value is that we already have 3 values created under the key Wine\Test before the test starts. Then we make four calls to RegSetValueExA with 'Test' as the name of the value to set. Since this value does not exist, it is created.
I see what's happening now. The original author of test_enum_value either didn't know about the 3 existing keys (maybe they were added later) or he thought they wouldn't have an effect on the outcome of the tests. What I will do now is make a new, clean subdirectory in which to run the tests with the new value. This way the test will pass on windows and wine. The question is still up in the air though about the order of insertion of new values.