David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote on March 8th:
2009/3/8 James Mckenzie jjmckenzie51@earthlink.net:
Would you be willing to clean out the ash and trash that will show up with an open Wiki?
I already said I would, yes - that the only reason for not just starting one is to avoid massive duplication of effort.
If we move to an open Wiki, be prepared to be very busy. I've seen spambots get past most, if not all, of the verification systems and bomb away. I've read where several systems had to shut them down for fear of being sued. At the present time, we have verification for exactly that reason. To keep the spam out and to pre-edit those entries that do not provide all of the information needed.
I don't have the time to do this and it REALLY sounds like you are volunteering since you are pushing this issue so hard. See there are VALID reasons for doing things the way we do them.
I'm sure there are.
I would love to see a Wiki, with pre-editing of the entries. This is possible, but would not address the problem you raised.
James McKenzie