Hi, I considererd that it would be finally time to get started with the state management rewrite :-) Just a mail with the final plan, if anyone has comments.
I will move the functions applying the states into a new file, opengl_utils.c(name inspired by old ddraw). I don't want to put them into drawprim.c because that file is already quite long.
For the start I will manage changed states per device, and not per context because for per context tracking I'd like to have thread safety which will take a bit longer to commit. The changed states will be managed in a standard wine list, with pointers to the dirty elements from the stateblock(the state.changed field). This will allow us to work efficiently with the list:
* Add an element: Constant complexity * Remove an element: const * Check if an element exists: const(look at the stateblock) * Empty the list: const * apply the changed states from the list: linearly growing with the number of dirty states, max the number of existing states.
I I will chain empty elements in a 2nd list to avoid unneccessary HeapAlloc and HeapFree calls. Many d3d games spend 10% processing time in heap management already :-/
All states(render state, sampler, texture stage, bound textures, shaders, vertex type) will share the same list. The index of the changed state will identify the type of the state, e.g.
#define renderstate_entry(a) (a + 0) #define samplerstate_entry(a) (a + 1000) /* or renderstate_entry(max_render_state) #define texturestate_entry(a) (a + 2000) and so on
This will allow us to group different states, e.g. D3DRS_LIGHTINGENABLE with the vertex type.
As many d3d states affect the same opengl state(e.g. D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE, D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, D3DRS_FOGSTART, D3DRS_FOGEND), the states can be grouped together for efficient application. This also works accross different types.
When a state is marked dirty the Set*State function checked if the state gropup representative is already marked dirty, and if yes then the state isn't put on the list again. This keeps the list size <= the number of known states, and avoids applying the same state 2 times :-)
States will be applied in drawprim. BltOverride and UnlockRect change states on their own, and they can put the states the change onto the dirty list so drawprim will reset them to what the application wants. This avoids gratious setting and resetting. An extra last_was_blt field could be used to avoid that bltoverride sets its own states again and again.
Any comments on that?