On Thu, 14 Mar 2013, Kyle Auble wrote: [...]
I did want to ask for input on a few things:
Sorry, I don't have anything useful to contribute on these.
However since this is about the Wiki theming I'll mention a problem I ran into last week-end: tables. There are two problems with them:
* A default table is totally ugly: it has no border and no cell padding so it does not look like a table at all, just text appearing at random on the page. Here is an example: http://wiki.winehq.org/FrancoisGouget
* During the preview the tables look nothing like after the preview. In fact they look good enough during the preview, it's only on the final page that they get ugly. This makes the preview totally useless as far as tables are concerned :-(
In the page I was working on I worked around this by specifying CSS styles for every single cell. The resulting wiki source code is pretty ugly but at least the result looks like tables.
Oh, and the Wiki seems to have trouble sending emails(*) so saving changes is super slow. But that's probably not something you can do anything about.
(*) I get: Status of sending notification mails: [en] fracting: Connection to mailserver 'mail.lattica.com' failed: (101, 'Network is unreachable')