Troy Rollo wrote:
On Thursday 26 October 2006 14:20, Dan Kegel wrote: Typing Instructor for Kids 2 fails to install Zoombinis Logical Journey version 2 aborts on startup Crazy Machines aborts silently on startup
Kids games are hugely problematic in Wine - offhand I can't think of one that has worked. Even if they install they often won't run. Even if they run they often won't display correctly, or will have input problems.
Speaking as a parent, that's a horrid tragedy! <grin>
Actually, I've done the same sort of survey, but only with my kids games.
Historically, Wine has been quite bad, but it's getting better. Lately, for example, the Humongous games have kicked over towards mostly working, and the Knowledge Adventure ones are pretty good.
(Of course, that could just be that my kids are outgrowing those, so our copies are really old versions now :-( ).
Hopefully once we nail copy protection, Wine can really start to support some games.