From: Juan Lang
I see 3 test failures related to CertGetPublicKeyLength() on Win7, crypt32/tests/cert.c lines 3146/3160/3165. All 3 failures are the same, CertGetPublicKeyLength() returns 0 with last error 0x80090004 (NTE_BAD_LEN). After looking at it for a while, I'm inclined to change the condition to ok(ret == 56 || (ok == 0 && GetLastError() == NTE_BAD_LEN), ...). Do you agree that's the correct fix or do I need to dig deeper?
Hm, that's interesting. I'm certainly curious why that is. I'd check whether Win7 can decode the public key. From our implementation of CertGetPublicKeyLength():
BOOL ret = CryptDecodeObjectEx(dwCertEncodingType, RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB, pPublicKey->PublicKey.pbData, pPublicKey->PublicKey.cbData, CRYPT_DECODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, &buf, &size);
I expect this is also failing on Win7?
No, it's not. Return value is TRUE, buf is allocated and contains a PUBKEYSTRUC followed by a RSAPUBKEY with len 56 while size contains 0x1b. So Win7 is capable of decoding the key.