Hi, This is my first real attempt to add a new feature so its going to take quite some time. My long term goal is to implement the RecycleBin for ReactOS and for Wine to make it interface with the FreeDesktop.org draft trashcan spec. The latter might require a extension to Wines or some other process to move files out of the C:\Recycled folder and in to the users ~/Desktop/Trash
I have started by adding a little support for the FOF_ALLOWUNDO flag in SHFileOperationW. Windows can use either Drive:\Recycled or Drive:\Recycler depending on if the TrashCan is on a NTFS drive or not so I am not sure how we want to handle it in Wine. With my first patch if you delete a file with this flag it will move the file to C:\Trash which is a file not a directory.
I am using the sample programs here to reverse how its supposed to work
If anyone would like to help they can start working on the namespace stuff needed for the RecycleBin.
Thanks Steven
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