[You know you replied in private? Hmm, it doesn't seem to be private. Including list again, others might be intrested]
Perhaps the subject needed to be X11drv insite function port to win32 possible ?
I'm not sure this new title makes it clearer. But never mind.
A graphic driver would display the full desktop and not a single application.
And wine is not needed to display anything. This is currently used with the sunpci (intel coprocessor card in the sparc boxes). The video driver display the pc-screen as a xwindows or native on a second monitor.
I'm not sure I quite with you, but never mind, see below.
I want to create equivalent functions, but it seems that the functions (X11DRV_...) make also use of the ntdll, userdll ... I just want to know if it would be possible to recompile the x11drv part against the native dlls ( on win32 ). Not the full x11drv, but only the functions mentioned in the x11drv.spec file. So I would be able to change the functions in win32 source code and recompile with the X11DRV_.. functions.
Possible, perhaps. However to me it just seems like a silly hack to use the X11DRV_ functions for that or at least to use them directly.
Anyway, so what you really want to be able to compile Windows source code to a Windows binary that instead of using normal USER/GDI instead uses Wine's version of USER/GDI that using the X11DRV displays the application's Window(s) on a X-Terminal?
Hmm. Intresting idea. Well, yes that would be possible to do with Wine, at least in theory. There is a lot a practical problems to be resolved for that to work. Just getting the non-core parts (especially USER/GDI and X11DRV) to compile and link to a DLL with the Windows headers will be an effort by itself. Actually getting it to work will be even worse, The USER (and to a lesser part even GDI) seems, eventhough I guess they can be made not to, to use the Wine server for some things, with means that you will either have to fix that or emulate the Wine server on Windows. It is propably not that hard to emulate it, but quite a lot of work regardless.
Then you have the issue of getting the Windows versions of COMCTL32 and COMDLG32 DLL:s and similar DLL:s using your special versions of USER32 and GDI32 and not the Windows ones. I'm not sure Windows can be made to support this at all. It depends on exactly how library loading work. Hmm, perhaps it would be possible to "hook" LoadLibrary somehow.
Anyway, I'm sorry to say that it will currently not, with the state Wine is now, be possible to do that without an enormous effort. Despite this I'm happy to say that I think it will be possible some day. However not until past Wine 1.0 or perhaps not even past Wine 1.x.
Nice idea though.