The hardware can handle it just fine. The problem comes down to bandwidth. The server is on the same pipe as the CodeWeavers server. If it starts to cut into our cap, it can make the staff (marketing in particular) grumpy.
I'm pretty sure we pay for more bandwidth than we use, and can probably just absorb this.
Our colo provider keeps getting bought, and Newman and I are terrible at using the console, because they keep changing it. But in theory, he or I should be able to easily see how much bandwidth we're using, and if the 52k downloads would make any difference :-/.
Jer, I nominate you to read the numbers. I need the 95% figure. I'll do the yucky work of finding our contract to see what our cap is, so we both get an annoying chore out of it :-/.
A better solution would be to setup a mirrored CDN. The CDN could mirror the file structure. CodeWeavers uses CDNetworks for our CDN and have been pretty happy with them.
I haven't found a CDN with a low barrier to entry. That is, I'm not aware of one we could spend $50/month with to host this stuff.
Of course, I haven't explored this space in a long time, so if someone is aware of a CDN with good pricing, let me know. (We probably could save some money over what we're spending now.)
We do have a legal organization, so we could enter a contract directly as the Wine project (well, as the Conservancy, but Conservancy on behalf of Wine).
As a fallback option, our CDN contract does have plenty of headroom, so I'm certain we could host these files on without any trouble.