on 06/02/04 10:55, Rein Klazes wrote:
Here are the details of the QueryActCtxW call:
|0009:Ret advapi32.RegCloseKey() retval=00000000 ret=00be869f |0009:Call
kernel32.QueryActCtxW(80000010,0116283c,00000000,00000001,406aebc0,00000008,00000000) ret=004bf17f
|fixme:actctx:QueryActCtxW stub! |0009:Ret kernel32.QueryActCtxW() retval=00000000 ret=004bf17f |0009:Call kernel32.GetLastError() ret=006068aa |0009:Ret kernel32.GetLastError() retval=00000000 ret=006068aa
As expected the program inspects the last error value for details why the calls fails. Setting the last error value is missing form the QueryActCtxW stub, so the program may well be confused (especially when it receives ERROR_SUCCESS). So if you to try something you may try whether inserting a line like:
will make the program do the right thing (forgetting about using these functions). There are several more error codes that you may try:
with a number of specific activation context error codes in the 12000-14999 region.
simple problem: I'm not a good programmer (some BASH, C, Perl and php knowledge), so where should I insert the above line?
If not, you can always follow Mike's advice.
Already done.
The real problem: which is the best solution for this problem? Commenting out the declaration following Mike's advice (as it seems that that it isn't used) or trying to find the correct error following your advice? I've no problem at making test to find the error code...
Another fact that I forgot to tell you is that on the latest CrossOffice 3.0 demo, Photoshop 7.0 works like a charm with no problem at all.
Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca