On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 22:41, Uwe Bonnes wrote:
"Kye" == Kye Lewis kyethespy@liquid2k.com writes:
Kye> Hi, Not really sure if this is the right place to post this, but as Kye> i'm signed up to it; Kye> My version of wine has suddenly started Seg Faulting on startup.
The next thing you should try is a littel debugging, like running with relay messages or starting the application in winedbg or using strace on wine
Firstly, I need to make sure it's clear that wine is Seg Faulting with any application I try to run with it
I have tried re-compiling it (the version is the latest CVS), and i've tried following some of the recomended steps from the FAQomatic @ winehq - with no success
Winedbg quits with:
No debug information in xxxxxxxxxxxxxx .... No debug information in xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Invalid address for breakpoint 1, disabling it Invalid address for breakpoint 2, disabling it Process of pid=08444840 has terminated
Any extra command-line options that I should put on winedbg to help find out the problem?
-- Uwe Bonnes bon@elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de
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