One solution would probably be to write a wrapper script that translates the path name before it is passed to wine. One discussion board entry I found indicates the CrossOver plugin does it that way.
Try this script:
#!/bin/bash document=`winepath -l "$1"` exec wine start.exe "$document"
If the word viewer installed the .doc file format in the wine registry you can call winestart /some/unix/path/file.doc and wine will start the asociated application automatically.
I've also written a small C program which scans the registry and creates .desktop files for each mime type found. I've sent a first alpha version to this list late June. With these .desktop files in place you can just click on the files in Konqueror or (I think so, but didn't test) the Gnome Equivalent and they will open. It's far away from beeing mature, but you can give it a try. I don't think that these .desktop files directly, but theres a kstart program which allows you to open any file KDE knows, and this works from literally any application.