FYI, There are native Linux bittorrent clients, including the one you're trying to use.
On Sat, 2005-03-26 at 02:15 +0000, Andrew Neil Ramage wrote:
Following up from the last message, when I tried to move beyond the stage described, I get the following:
next Register dump: CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033 EIP:1e04e00f ESP:406ee804 EBP:406ee860 EFLAGS:00210246( - 00 -RIZP1) EAX:00000000 EBX:00000002 ECX:ffffffff EDX:a93c6858 ESI:406ee860 EDI:a93c6858 Stack dump: 0x406ee804: 4131a118 00000000 00000002 1e04dd4c 0x406ee814: 406ee860 406ee868 1e09ca68 406ee860 0x406ee824: 41300a64 00000000 1e04de36 406ee860 0x406ee834: 406ee868 00000029 00000002 1e0bcd75 0x406ee844: 00000029 1e09ca68 412b35e8 00000000 0x406ee854: 1e04dbec 406ee860 406ee868 1e0bcd76 Backtrace: =>1 0x1e04e00f PyCFunction_Call in python22 (0x406ee860) 2 0x1e04db8f PyCFunction_Call in python22 (0x1e0bcd76) 3 0x61640000 (0x0000297a) 4 0x00000000 (0x00000000) 0x1e04e00f PyCFunction_Call+0xc2f in python22: repne scasb %es:(%edi) Wine-dbg>First chance exception: page fault on read access to 0xa93c6858 in 32-bit code (0x1e04e00f). Register dump: CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033 EIP:1e04e00f ESP:406ee804 EBP:406ee860 EFLAGS:00210246( - 00 -RIZP1) EAX:00000000 EBX:00000002 ECX:ffffffff EDX:a93c6858 ESI:406ee860 EDI:a93c6858 Stack dump: 0x406ee804: 4131a118 00000000 00000002 1e04dd4c 0x406ee814: 406ee860 406ee868 1e09ca68 406ee860 0x406ee824: 41300a64 00000000 1e04de36 406ee860 0x406ee834: 406ee868 00000029 00000002 1e0bcd75 0x406ee844: 00000029 1e09ca68 412b35e8 00000000 0x406ee854: 1e04dbec 406ee860 406ee868 1e0bcd76 Backtrace: =>1 0x1e04e00f PyCFunction_Call in python22 (0x406ee860) 2 0x1e04db8f PyCFunction_Call in python22 (0x1e0bcd76) 3 0x61640000 (0x0000297a) 4 0x00000000 (0x00000000) 0x1e04e00f PyCFunction_Call+0xc2f in python22: repne scasb %es:(%edi) Wine-dbg>
"Someone set a bad example makes surrender seem alright; The act of a noble warrior who's lost the will to fight
And now you're trembling on a rocky ledge Staring out into a heartless sea Facing life on a razor's edge Nothing's what you thought it would be."
Rush, The Pass (Presto, 1989)