Xilinx webpack 4.2 running with native Common Controls shows an artefact in the display of bitmaps associated with the listview widget. This behaviour changed with http://cvs.winehq.com/patch.py?id=5720 by Michael Stefaniuc mstefani@redhat.de, but still is not right. Appended I have jpegs of the error. The first file (comctl32-builtin.jpeg) shows the behaviour with builtin commctl32, which looks good. The second file (comctl32-native-prepatch.jpeg) shows the behaviour with todays cvs, Michael's patch reversed and native comctl32/commctrl (NT4). We get a discontinous black background of the bitmap
The last file (comctl32-native-prepatch.jpeg) is with native comctl32/commctrl (NT4) and todays unmodified cvs version. No we have a all black background.