A user asked in http://groups.google.com/group/comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine/msg/06fbfdfb53... whether Wine could communicate with remote machines via named pipes yet (he needs it to talk with an SQLServer box).
I know Alexandre's been poking around in that area, but I think he's working on local networking, not remote. I also know Kai Blin had looked at this, but I don't know where he left it.
Can someone summarize the current state and plan, if any?
Here are some past discussions on the topic: http://www.kerneltraffic.org/wine/wn20060428_312_print.html#3 http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2005-September/039680.html http://kerneltraffic.org/wine/wn20040109_204.html#3
Thanks, Dan