2008/6/1 Dan Kegel dank@kegel.com:
Way back five years ago, we all compared notes on how long it took to build Wine on our systems. http://www.winehq.org/site/?issue=149#Compile%20Time%20Comparisons%20/%20Tip...
Today I measured it on a new computer (with a spiffy new Intel dual core e7200 processor with 2GB of RAM, http://kegel.com/new-computer-2008.html ).
Result: ... it takes me a bit longer today on this machine (11 minutes) to build as it did then on a dual cpu hot rod (8 minutes). I guess Moore's Law isn't quite keeping up with Wine's code growth :-)
Have you checked how much Wine has grown in size since then and factored that in as well?
Five years seems to be before CodeWeavers took the torch (I don't know when they started contributing *big time* to Wine) with the MSI, DirectX and other improvements.
A way to get a better idea would be to get the number of lines in the make output and have a lines/second comparison. This is because Wine could be twice as big as it was five years ago.
- Reece