On Monday 20 June 2005 09:40, Raphael wrote:
To me it looks like an overoptimized geometry problem. As long there is only sky and no terrain or building behind the objects, you can klick them. This is mostly the case, when you look up. Just like users reported.
I just wrote a lousy mmap wrapper which sets start to 0x10000000 . This works for me with wine 20050601 and the latest from cvs.
After some investigation (using interesting users dumps at http://home.gci.net/~slipster5/WowError/ and in many others places)
looks like more an ugly WoW bug
For example seeing this typilical error:
This application has encountered a critical error:
ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Program: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:00650E16
The instruction at "0x00650E16" referenced memory at "0x33991588". The memory could not be "read".
While registers was:
EAX=00000001 EBX=13991500 ECX=00A49658 EDX=00000003 ESI=1399155C EDI=00000000 EBP=0012FC58 ESP=0012FC38 EIP=00650E16 FLG=00210202 CS =001B DS =0023 ES =0023 SS =0023 FS =003B GS =0000
The must interesting is that error address was always (EBX + 0x20000000) + something little (usually between 0x10-0x88).
for info 0x20000000 => 512Mb :)
So who go to blizzard to fix the bug ? :)