Keith Muir wrote:
No don't have time to bisect this also I'm no trained to do it I'm also fed up being told it's so easy cos its not and why don't you have one guy trained who can be contacted to do it for others? or show others how to do it? I'm the maintainer for Rome total war latest report is the install fails got to be a regression fix it worked on 1.44
If you are the maintainer, can you at least update the App Db entry to advise there is a regression and file a bug report (if you have not done so) and please, please, stop whining...
Regression tests are not really that hard. I'll give you an example. I have been working on the EM_FORMATRANGE function and let it go for about six months due to other things going on in my life (something called El Tour de Tucson, you can Google it.) When I picked up the code, the Print Preview function did not work. I had a lot of code to bisect. I finished this in less than six hours at about 20 minutes a build....
However, if you cannot do this and if there is a demo available, advise if the problem/error exists with it.
In my case, I was using a free program and its location is well known.
James McKenzie