On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 08:45:16PM -0400, Andrei Barbu wrote:
I agree on the docs, interestingly enough though, Chessmaster 9000 gives an invalid pointer (0x1) and there's a memory access error.
Works on Windows though, so I'm assuming DX might be allocating the memory on it's own.
When you mean 'works on Windows' is it Chessmaser 9000 or the fact that giving a bad pointer to this DX8 API call does not make the program crash ?
Because to be sure to get your patch applied, the best way would be to understand WHY CM9000 gives this 0x1 pointer to the DX8 function. It may be due to a memory allocation error, some stack trashing, some other bugs in Wine, ...
So I fear that only doing some REing of the CM9000 code would help here.