I wrote a Commandline-Program for testing the Printing-API and found many misterious behaviour.
While rewriting the conformance-tests for winspool.drv, how should we handle this bugs / features ?
Example for GetPrinterDriverDirectory (W/A):
Win98se and WinME do not check the requested level I marked that as todo("windows"). Is this ok?
Another Example for GetPrinterDriverDirectory and Enum*:
from MSDN: pcbNeeded
[out] - Pointer to a value that specifies the number of bytes copied if the function succeeds, - or the number of bytes required if cbBuf is too small.
On w2k, the the returned "number of bytes required" in the ANSI-Version is the same as in the Unicode-Version.
For GetPrinterDriverDirectory, the rest from the unicode-version of the result is visible in the second part of the buffer. (I Think, w2k fill the buffer with the unicode-version and convert in-place to ANSI. Should we do the same ?) I marked both Versions as valid. (buffersize == (datasize+datasize) and buffersize == datasize) Is this ok?