On Mon, Sep 13, 2004 at 01:55:19PM +0100, Mike Hearn wrote:
At *some* point we have to stop simply releasing CVS snapshots which may or may not work/run important apps/eat your hard disk and actually do proper releases that are, you know, tested'n'stuff.
Yes, but what should I care about this ? I mean that doing branches, handling releases is the job of a 'release manager' who should decide when to freeze, what patches to accept in freezed code and stuff like that.
In my case, I would expect to work 99.99 % of the case on the trunk, the instable branch (except, of course, if any game is in the 'supported by this release' list and would need some bugfixing there).
For example, if DirectX is broken for 3 consecutive releases, I would expect the people doing the release to label the old 'working' version and branch from there if any bugs fixes are needed.
I do not want to be my own release manager ('oh this will take X months to finish, I will branch').