--- Saulius Krasuckas saulius2@ar.fi.lt wrote:
I don't know ordinal value of this function.
I neither. I don't have this versions handy at the moment either. Maybe some kind soul who does can provide them?
Yes, I understand now. IMHO, the easiest way still would be to move the code from shell32 to shfolder. But forget it.
I'm not sure that's true. It depends how the application decides whether to look for these functions in shfolder.dll. I'm not sure what the "correct" way is; MS isn't very clear on this. I think, reading from MSDN, you can ship shfolder.dll and dynamically load it if you can't find these exports in shell32.dll. But that apparently isn't what your app is doing, and I'm not sure what it is doing instead.
For what it's worth, I'm working on the functions SHGetFolderPath/A/W, SHGetFolderLocation/A/W, SHGetSpecialFolderPath/A/W, and SHGetSpecialFolderLocation/A/W. They're a bit off at the moment, but not horribly so; I don't think too many apps will be broken by their incorrectness. But if your app is having trouble specifically because of these, help may be on the way :)
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