Jerome Leclanche wrote:
I think the general feeling is that Pending should be renamed to "Decision pending" and that more feedback is needed at least in the form of "this is the wrong approach" or "this may be the right approach, explain yourself better". But the general feeling is that "Pending" currently means "Not good enough" and never gets looked at again. I agree it's very confusing.
It should be in the best ineterests of the project to provide as much feedback as possible, and should improve not only amount of accepted code (by encouraging developers provide more comments/explanations/tests/etc. and more actively discuss possible ways to fix a particular bug), but also code quality and help developers better understand what could be improved in future submissions. Silently marking a patch as 'pending' doesn't help with that at all.
Consider that if two my patches for SetParent would be accepted one year ago but not one year later (without a single change but just afer asking once again what's wrong with them), that fundamental SetParent bug could be already fixed long time ago.