is an "online manual" for the Toshiba 220CDS laptop. I unzipped it with Linux unzip, then ran its setup and the app itself with Wine20020605-2 from Red Hat 8. Both ran acceptably well, although I did get a few warnings like:
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x4011a4a8 "../../scheduler/syslevel.c: Win16Mutex" wait timed out, retrying (60 sec) tid=08078300 fixme:scroll:ScrollBarWndProc Unimplemented style SBS_SIZEBOX.
and there were display anomolies (mostly, areas of the window not being cleared, so old text piled up).
Also, I had to grep through the registry for 'toshiba' to see where the darn thing installed itself.
I'm looking forward to trying with a more modern wine, but don't have time at the moment. - Dan