I have already posted this in the NG but I was told that this would be more appropriate here.
One of my questions is how wine developers actualy develop their functions. I'm aware that some functions are (rather) easily determind just because of their name (i.e. CreateFile). Other functions can be derived from reading the documentation but there is quite a number of functions that arenot documented and some are not even mentioned anywhere (like functions in the rpcnt.dll). Now I wonder how you go about this. My approach would be to disassemble such functions and see how they work. Of course I know that in some countries this will be illegal while it is not in others. If I live in a country where this is legal would it still be a problem for the maintainer if I submit a function that is written based on the method I used to get the knowledge to write it? How do you circumvent that problem that you might infringe copyright as reverse engineering is usually prohibited by the licence where this licence is actually legally binding.
Another question is concerning the function CreateDispTypeInfo. I'd like to work on Hotline which uses this function. As I noticed, this function is stubbed but not implemented and the last time it was worked on was somewhere in 2000, so I'd like to know if somebody is working on this. If I start work on it, do I have to submit this info somewhere in order to avoid duplicate work?