Octavian Voicu wrote:
so binary compatibility in RC files is required
We don't have this right now. Native winmm.dll uses integer resource ids (id 200 for core commands, [...]) Wine currently uses string ids
Could you please elaborate on that? I wasn't aware of an incompatibility.
I don't agree here. IMO the parser should be the most agnostic possibly against the real data structures
Not sure if I understand exactly what you mean here
I believe Eric envisions a parser that needs no MCI_*_PARMS at all because everything lies in the resource (except that the first DWORD_PTR is the callback). Even MCI_RETURN need not be second (yet there's no known case where that happens). It would be a major change from the current parser.
It could be sketched as follows: - get first token (verb) - get second token (beware of quoting) ("device") - find driver according to device - either name of an existing alias - or name of MCI driver ("waveaudio") - or waveaudio!foo.wav - or "all" - or something else - load driver's command table (may need loading driver!) - parse command options according to table
Now we know the command's numeric value and can act upon it. That would be much more compatible than what is in place now.
Still, the devil lies in the details. E.g. a) sound sound notify are valid MCI commands. Look ma, no device!
b) Sysinfo cdaudio quantity open need IMHO not load the cdaudio driver. It strictly operates at winmm's level. Perhaps first try to identify the verb via the core table, and if it's a core command like MCI_SYSINFO, never load the driver? MCI_SYSINFO_PARMS.wDeviceType needs special treatment anyway, the parser is not enough.
c) When to unload the driver?
At some point one needs MCI_*_PARMS. For instance, it's winmm's job to detect MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS. How is it going to access the alias field if not via MCI_OPEN_PARMS and thus imposing that all MCI_*_OPEN_PARMS are congruent? (e.g. MCI_DGV|WAVE_OPEN_PARMS).
One could imagine backparsing the resource file to detect the position of the slot that defines the MCI_ALIAS element... This is just crazy.
I've tests that prove (and a patch in my queue) that unlike the mciSendCommand interface, the string parser always sets an alias. So at some point it must set the lpstrAlias slot. How is it going to do that if not via MCI_OPEN_PARMS?
Regards, Jörg Höhle