No No No People... Please read the messages before replying.
I know the difference betweeen my 6502, 6800, Z80, 68k, x86, 7400. I know Wine is focused on running MSWindows based software on x86 processors. I also know there exists PowerPC code in the wine project because people were interested in bridging the gap to running x86 code via emulation...
For the record... I am not looking to run another full out emulation. The best example of what I have in mind is what Apple did when they moved their processor base from 68K to PPC. And I am wondering if the same could be done for Wine. By the looks of things some of the framework to make that happen are already there in the form of thunk code... Apple used what they called trampolines iirc.
I am not sure that WineLib is what I am looking to use as the wine script & loader seems to achieve much of what I am already looking to do.
My understanding is that Wine has run on PowerPC at some time via native and Qemu/Qemu-user. Since the Darwine (PowerPC work) project went dormant, I have not been able to find much of the information I am looking for... What was the last known Wine/Darwine version known to work on PowerPC? I some had thoughts of getting that version and progressing forward to see what and where things break.
Am I mistaken that the connection between wine/server appears to be broken?
My previous statements in my first message still apply.