On 18-10-2021 14:58, David Kahurani wrote:
+#define __WINE_DPRINTF_ONCE(dbcl,dbc2,dbch) \
- static BOOL __wine_next_time_level;\
- const enum __wine_debug_class __dbcl = \
- __wine_next_time_level ? __WINE_DBCL##dbc2 : __WINE_DBCL##dbc1;\
- (!__WINE_GET_DEBUGGING(dbcl,(dbch)) || \
(wine_dbg_log(__dbcl,(dbch),__FILE__,"%d: ",__LINE__) == -1)) ? \
(void)0 : (void)wine_dbg_printf \
__wine_next_time_level = TRUE;
Hi David,
I don't think this will work. First because variables should be declared at the beginning of a scope, and second because if there are two FIXME_ONCE in one scope __dbcl and __wine_next_time_level will be declared twice.
I didn't check the rest of the patch, but this stood out to me.
Also, Chip asked you to not send so many patches at once. Please first try to get only this patch and one of the other patches in.