On Sa, 2007-10-27 at 14:03 +0200, Francois Gouget wrote:
Things still on the todo list:
- the script also grabs the winetest.exe signature and attempts to
verify it. But I don't know where to find the corresponding public key (651FD487) so I don't know if this really works.
Paul's homepage: http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/paulm/
$ gpg --list-keys paulm pub 1024D/BF0F03E9 2000-11-07 uid Paul Millar (Physics & Astronomy) sub 1024g/1034BACC 2000-11-07
pub 1024D/651FD487 2002-05-11 uid quisquiliae (automatic program for testing WINE) sub 1024g/420F3FE4 2002-05-11
(The email-address was stripped)
My script loads the signature and verify the winetest-latest.exe. When gpg failed to verify the binary, a new winetest is available. The new binary is downloaded and checked again. When the check was ok, the winetest-lastest is copied to the destination and qemu is started for every image.
To bad, that qemu 0.9.0 crash on "ntdll_text.exe exception" ...