Michael Casadevall a écrit :
I've been tracking Wine for sometime in git, and attempting to build it on Mac OS X just to have repetitive failure. I finally had some time to look at the cause, and figured out that it was failing due to a prototype mismatch in dlls/dbghelp/dbghelp_private.h and dlls/dbghelp/elf_loader.c. The problem is that the function elf_load_module uses a DWORD in elf_loader.c and an unsigned load in the dbghelp_private.h. I changed the header to a DWORD which fixed the compile right up and allowed it to successfully build Wine, but after talking to vitamin, this change might cause issues with Wine on 64-bit systems. Since I only own 32-bit, and know little about differences when programming 64-bit systems, I thought I should ask before I submit the patch to wine-patches.
The full prototype and arguments are: dbghelp_private.h: extern struct module* elf_load_module(struct process* pcs, const char* name, unsigned long)
elf_loader.c: struct module* elf_load_module(struct process* pcs, const char* name, DWORD addr)
this is already fixed in git (with unsigned long) A+