On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 09:10:08AM +0000, Alistair Leslie-Hughes wrote:
Hi Huw,
+HRESULT WINAPI CoRegisterSurrogateEx(REFGUID guid, void *reserved);
I don't see this in my Windows 10 SDK. Where does it come from?
I used this reference from the Microsoft site. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms687209
Ok, then I think we should drop the prototype from ole32.h since it's not in the SDK.
Also, does your app depend of CoRegisterSurrogate/Ex returning S_OK? I'd be happier if they returned E_NOTIMPL.
A few other style points: LPSURROGATE -> ISurrogate * There's an extraneous space in CoRegisterSurrogateEx (REFGUID guid, void *reserved)