On Thu, 08 May 2003 22:23:57 +0300 Shachar Shemesh wine-devel@shemesh.biz wrote:
Mike Hearn wrote:
I'll second what Brian said, if you read the GMANE FAQ it says that the general consensus in the anti-spam community is that spam bots don't do even trivial unobfustucation, at least for now.
That's no longer the case, I'm afraid. I got spam to an email address that was only published obfuscated (http://www.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.forms.php - bottom comment is mine).
I suspect that spammers do collect obfuscated addresses from specific sites they know how to decode (a google search, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=phpcommen...,
did not bring anything up).
I vote for either totally hiding the email address, or doing javascript decryption with different keys for different archive posts (code at http://www.jracademy.com/~jtucek/email/).
If the link between wine-users and c.e.m.w gets operational again it will need the same treatment.
My vote also goes to complete hiding - does anyone really want any direct mail from people who are not on the list.