During a query I've stumbled on bug 5012 which happens to have a patch attached to it. Nine months ago it was suggested to the author to send this patch to wine-patches but either he didn't do it or it was not accepted.
Now, I don't consider myself qualified to judge the patch and I have no particular interest in it. So I may not send it to wine-patches myself.
But it would be nice if there was an easy way to find bugs that have a patch, even, and maybe especially, if it is incorrect. This would make it easier for interested parties to survey what potential fixes are languishing in Bugzilla and push them to wine-devel or wine-patches.
And it would also give a starting point for someone interested in taking an existing patch that did not get committed to then update it, clean it up, and fix it to make it acceptable.
Does that make sense?
And for reference: * Missing NOVST timezone http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5012 (in fact the timezone data seems wrong)