Am 28.09.2009 15:08, schrieb Henri Verbeet:
static LPCSTR STDMETHODCALLTYPE d3d10_effect_type_GetMemberName(ID3D10EffectType *iface, UINT index) {
- FIXME("iface %p, index %u stub!\n", iface, index);
- struct d3d10_effect_type *This = (struct d3d10_effect_type *)iface;
- return NULL;
- TRACE("iface %p, index %u\n", iface, index);
- if(index>= This->member_count) return NULL;
- return This->members[index].name; }
You can't do this yet, it needs to work for types created by parse_fx10_type() as well. The same goes for patches 7-11. Patches 1-5 look ok to me, and can stand on their own.
I'll improve the whole patch set.
Cheers Rico