I'm trying to migrate a proprietary TCP/IP client/server db application from Windows NT to Linux using Wine, and am encountering some difficulties.
* First of all the application uses overlapped I/O in an unconventionnal way. The application scenario is as follows : Setup server socket Call WSAAsyncSelect On accept, create a new window associated with the new socket Call WSAAsyncSelect for this new socket/window. On network event on the new socket, if the FD_READ event is passed to the WindowProc, call ReadFile with an overlapped struct, but hEvent == NULL On IO_PENDING_READ_ERROR, call GetOverlappedResult with bWait set to TRUE There was a thread about this on this list on November 2002 ("Overlapped I/O without an hEvent"). At that time Martin Wilck submited a patch that did not get commited to CVS. I got things working by slightly modifying his patch. The idea was floating around in the November thread : in the GetOverlappedResult function, if the bWait flag is set, then wait calling WaitForSingleObjectEx with the socket handle passed in instead of the overlapped structure handle. I suspect this method is unclean, but works for me as the server app I'm trying to run instantiates a window (thus a WindowProc) per client. I'm waiting for your comments and suggestions on how to properly handle this.
* Next I have a problem with high network loads (maybe related to the previous issue). When I run the sever app in Wine and access it with a remote client, operations generating a high network load tend to be unstable. Most of the time the client application hangs at some point, and sometimes the server hangs too. This does not happen if I run the client with Wine on the same machine as the server. Are they known issues with the winsock implementation ?
* Wine used to crash because the server app called WritePrivateProfileString with a NULL lpFileName. I fixed this by returning FALSE if lpFileName == NULL, but I don't know how windows handles this. The app calls WritePrivateProfileString with a proper file name a couple of times before setting it to NULL, so I suspect windows is caching the file name.
* The client comes with a printing helper app. They communicate through dde. I get the 'fixme:class:get_class_ptr reading from class of other process window' message. How is this supposed to be handled ?
* Minor remaining problems : - the end of tooltip texts is garbled - help doesn't work (it seems the help file name is not passed as a parameter)
Thanks for your attention, Thomas