James Hawkins wrote:
On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 4:18 PM, Daniel Jakob wolverine@stuniverse.de wrote:
My first post on the list is just a small patch. WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx is currently a stub and should return a zero on fail instead of true.
Have you thought about the possibility that we return TRUE for a reason? Maybe an app fails if an error percolates up from WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx?
The function should return an INT, not a BOOL. Maybe returning a one is better than returning TRUE, if TRUE = 1. However, I don't like changing a TRUE to a FALSE, as is done in both executions of teh called function. A little explanation on why the change is needed is in order here. The question that needs to be answered is: Should the call return a FALSE (0) or a TRUE (1) and then a patch formulated around the answer to this question.
James McKenzie