On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 09:18:42AM -0700, Dustin Navea wrote:
ok, here is the needed patch to get Blizzard's installers to not complain _ever_ about not being able to find program start menu... this also adds in a reg key for HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SerialComm "Serial0"=""COM1"
I think that the code to write to HKLM may be slightly broken though, as I couldn't get any of the hklm entries in misc/registry.c to be written, except for the ComputerName one... I dunno, someone wanna have a look at it? I'm creating a bug for it soon as i send this out...
Yep, it's pretty wrong.
RTFM would definitely have helped.
winedefault.reg has had the start menu key for decades. (http://www.winehq.com/Trouble/ also mentions it)
Thanks for the Serial0 fix, though ! (although that one probably should go to winedefault.reg, too...)