I have a preview available of the new Who's Who: http://users.theshell.com/~vinn/whoswho.html
Some notes:
- the formatting is a little rough, that's on my own to-do list
- if you don't like what it says about you, please let me know what I can correct.
- if your name isn't followed by a description of anything it means I'm either contemplating making up a unique and interesting story about you or removing you from the list. If either of those appeal to you, let me know. If neither appeals to you, please send me a short description about yourself.
- I may have your "Location:" wrong. Please let me know.
- Some of these were taken off the existing one - so they may be completely outdated. If so, let me know what's wrong and I'll try to fix it.
- If you're simply not on the list it's probably not because I don't like you. It's probably because I'm a slacker. Send me something about you and I'll fix it.
--------------- Brian Vincent Copper Mountain Telecom vincentb@coppercolorado.com