On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 09:34:20PM +0100, Lionel Ulmer wrote:
it seems that this patch introduced a nasty bug (at least for me). With "DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "N" wine get's a SIGSEGV, tries to start the debugger, next SIGSEGV looping forever.
Hmmmm, I just tried it here (with my own tree, not with the version merged by Alexandre in CVS but it should be similar) and I have no crash even when setting the option to 'N'. I tried both in Desktop and non-Desktop mode and both work fine.
Yes, i couldn't reproduce it myself on a second machine and i started to think that i'm crazy. After the first shock I did a diff of the configs of the two machines and found the needed info to make the bug reproducible: "DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "N" AND "ScreenDepth" = "8" need to be set.
Could you run Wine with gdb and in Synchronous mode and attach to the bug report you will raise ( :-) ) or by private mailing me all the information
Voila: http://bugs.winehq.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1159
you could obtain at the moment of the crash (ie where it crashes, the value of the display variable, ...).
Oh, now that the bug is reprocducible i silently hope(d) you could gather them yourself ;). If you still need my help feel free to shout.
bye michael