Sunday, December 18, 2005, 1:04:33 PM, Eric Pouech wrote:
Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
ChangeLog: ntdll: Implement few Dbg* functions. kernel32: Use new Dbg* functions instead of server calls.
status = DbgUiDebugActiveProcess( hProc );
status = DbgUiStopDebugging( hProc );
- if (self) DbgBreakPoint();
I wonder if we shouldn't use NtDbgActiveProcess, NtRemoveProcessDebug instead.
From what I could find with Google, it looks like: DbgUiDebugActiveProcess is using NtDbgActiveProcess DbgUiStopDebugging is using NtRemoveProcessDebug
The problem here is that we need handle to the debug object which we don't have and don't have. And I haven't found how to get a handle to it either.