Dan Kegel wrote:
I doubt Wine scales well to large numbers of threads or fd's. Maybe it's time to start seeing where the bottlenecks are...
I was discussing this with Mike McCormack last night on IRC. He gave me some ideas and sent me a couple of patches. As I'm not getting very far with this OLE deadlock, I think I'll look at these patches next.
First order of business is a benchmark or two, I think.
Did you say you were running a Java app? OK, then: run, don't walk, to http://www.volano.com/benchmarks.html and see if you can get that to run under Wine. That is the java-threads-and-sockets benchmark par excellance. I haven't tried it myself under Wine, as I didn't think Java ran under Wine yet, but if you're running Jxta stuff, I guess Wine is ready for Volanomark.
It would be very, very interesting to compare Volanomark results for Windows and Wine on the same hardware. - Dan