On Sun, 15 Mar 2020, Marvin wrote: [...]
=== w2008s64 (64 bit report) ===
dxgi: dxgi.c:5063: Test failed: Got unexpected message 0x46, wparam 0, lparam 0x22fa20. dxgi.c:5063: Test failed: Got unexpected message 0x24, wparam 0, lparam 0x22f690. dxgi.c:5063: Test failed: Got unexpected message 0x1a, wparam 0x2f, lparam 0x22fa48.
The patch was designed to avoid false positives from messages such as WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED where lparam is 0:
https://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=67055#k108 dxgi.c:5063: Test failed: Got unexpected message 0x31f, hwnd 001C01E4, wparam 0x1, lparam 0.
But of course it won't help with unexpected WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, WM_GETMINMAXINFO and WM_WININICHANGE messages since lparam is a pointer for those (lparam is sometimes NULL for WM_WININICHANGE). Fortunately these are pretty rare, they happened only three times in the recorded history (vs. 153 instances of WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED):
Jan 27 - cw-rx460-32 https://test.winehq.org/data/cf6546fb3b914dc1d87b23d6920526b7487cfd6d/win8_c...
Jan 23 - w2008s64 https://test.winehq.org/data/c55e8822ae3bbb8b1d3ab9b363214e4ad2f478d9/2008_n...
Jan 01 - gtx560-32 Not available on test.winehq.org anymore.