André Hentschel wrote:
Paul Vriens schrieb:
André Hentschel wrote:
Paul Vriens schrieb:
Currently transl doesn't show potential translation errors on a higher level. I'm busy implementing a more pedantic version of transl that shows the potential translation errors on the resfile pages (see attached screenshot).
I'm now looking for the best way to get into pedantic mode. Will a simple link on that page do? It will always show a link to the other mode of course.
We don't want this on by default as there are a lot of false positives, just think of all those "OK" buttons and it will take some performance to present this.
Once this is dealt with I will start with a pedantic mode on an even higher level (the lang page). This however only if it doesn't take too much of a performance hit.
I think a Link is enough. And for things like "OK" we can add a "hardcode"-file with things not to check.
I've finished the first version of the pedantic transl version. There is a link on top of the page where one switches between 'Normal' and 'Pedantic'. This link is available on all pages and all links on those pages act accordingly.
As mentioned before the two pages of interest for now are the resfile and the lang page. The resfile page is pretty quick in coughing up the results the lang page however takes some time (4-5 seconds on my laptop).
I'm looking for a way to 'cache' the results of the lang page as now the calculations are done on each refresh of this page. Any suggestions for this? Three come to mind:
- Change the php/data/<lang> files to incorporate the pedantic
warnings once a user want to see the full results for a language. 2. Add a lang summary file (for each language) that includes the pedantic warnings. 3. Use a database (SQLite?) instead of these php/data/<lang> files. MySQL is of course present on WineHQ but I'm not sure if this will be overkill.
Some screenshots for the curious:
lang page: resfile page:
for the moment i would tend to number 1 and to Aurimas column-problem, i would say he is right in a way, but i would let the columns be displayed for a better overview
Got it now. Somewhere in the script I start a php script to get all the pedantic summaries for the languages (not for the specific resources, only the modules).
These summary files can be easily used on the index and lang pages. The resfile page still does it's own pedantic checking.
The index file now also has a pedantic mode:
Once AJ is back from his holidays I'll first check with him if he doesn't mind these extra (145, 1 for each language) summary files. (We can also have 1 big one if needed). After that I'll start sending patches.
There is nothing in place yet to cope with the number of false positives. We probably need a per-language list of strings we don't care about. Per language as for example "OK" is fine in some languages but not in others.