2009/5/9 Nicklas Börjesson Nicklas.Borjesson@ws.se:
http://socghop.appspot.com/student_project/show/google/gsoc2009/wine/t124024... http://www.nabble.com/SOC-2009%3A-Application-Test-Suite-tc22692224.html
Interesting project. At my workplace, we use TestComplete for testing GUI-applications, I have had some problems finding similar applications for Linux, which is kind of strange, since X11 should make it really easy to create positively fantastic testing facilities.
After reading about it, though, I still don't see what would be the point in downloading the application as a part of the test, not being a part of the applications functionality.
The idea is to make the test as automated as possible. That way anyone can run the tests, not just people with certain programs.