On Saturday 27 December 2003 11:33 pm, Jeremy Shaw wrote:
I like the idea. Under LindowsOS, I hacked up the shlexec.c so that if no browsers are installed under wine, it tries to run mozilla (for linux). This is because the xten sipphone software attempts to open web pages in a few circumstances, and we want that to work.
Ideally, we want the xten client to run under wine without any special LindowsOS patches, because it will be much easier for us to keep the version of wine in the CNR warehouse up-to-date if we can just use the default debian package. My patch to shlexec.c is the only patch that is likely to be rejected (it's totally the wrong way to do things, but I only had an hour to make something work).
As for your specific implementation, it sounds resonable to me. The behaviour I would expect is that mozilla for linux would be launched if no browsers are installed under wine. But if you install a browser under wine, then it would automatically be the default.
My thought exactly on the default behavior. When the new browser is installed under wine it should ask you "Do you want X to be your default browser?" If you answer yes it will modify the registry key that I mentioned and become the new default. So this should work as expected.
On the other hand, I might want to install ie under wine but still use linux for mozilla by default. So maybe there could be a config file option or something so that you can say 'prefer linux browser'. I realize I could edit the registry and change the setting back to mozilla, but:
(a) it's way to geeky for most people
(b) I would have to change the registry everytime ie reclaims control.
I'm not sure how to solve (b) since it happens all of the time under windows when you run both IE and mozilla, each one can ask you on startup whether it should be the new default browser. For (a) I would imagine we should add an option to winecfg at some point to list the available browsers, maybe search for most of the likely ones, and let the user choose their own but this may be far down the road.