Alexandre Julliard wrote: writes:
@@ -1179,6 +1181,15 @@ static HRESULT copy_files(FILE_OPERATION *op, const FILE_LIST *flFrom, FILE_LIST const FILE_ENTRY *entryToCopy; const FILE_ENTRY *fileDest = &flTo->feFiles[0];
- /* If the destination is empty, SHFileOperation should use the current directory */
- if (!fileDest)
- {
GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, currd);
parse_file_list(flTo, currd);
fileDest = &flTo->feFiles[0];
- }
This can't possibly work. parse_file_list requires a null-terminated list, and you will be overwriting the previous data.
Well, AFAICS, there is no previous data in flTo, because of the early abort upon empty path in parse_file_list(): if (!szFiles[0]) return ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED;
right before
flList->feFiles = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, flList->num_alloc*sizeof(FILE_ENTRY));
I checked it by adding a trace to the early exit of destroy_file_list(): if (!flList || !flList->feFiles) and calling destroy_file_list() before the call to parse_file_list() in copy_files() added by the patch.
I've updated the patch to add more comments and to check whether the destination file name is empty, instead of checking flTo->feFiles against NULL, though that should be equivalent due to ZeroMemory(&flTo, sizeof(FILE_LIST)); in SHFileOperationW.
Is this try2 closer to the correct way of doing things ?