"Raphaël" == Raphaël Junqueira fenix@club-internet.fr writes:
Raphaël> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
Raphaël> Hi,
Raphaël> today when i run warcraft3 demo, i have a crash in imm32! Raphaël> here are the traces:
Raphaël> - -=(FeniX as fenix@DarkBluE)-(on tty1)-(at 10:00:12)=- Raphaël> -={$:'/usr/src/wine/Program Files/Warcraft III Demo'}=->wine Raphaël> --debugmsg +imm War3Demo.exe trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 1, Raphaël> (nil) trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 2, (nil) trace:imm:DllMain Raphaël> 0x42120000, 2, (nil) fixme:d3d:IDirect3D8Impl_CreateDevice Raphaël> Requested full screen support not implemented, expect windowed Raphaël> operation fixme:d3d:IDirect3D8Impl_CheckDeviceFormat Raphaël> (0x404309b8)->(Adptr:0, DevType: 1, AdptFmt: 23, Use: 0, Raphaël> ResTyp: 3, CheckFmt: 21) trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 2, (nil) Raphaël> trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 2, (nil) trace:imm:DllMain Raphaël> 0x42120000, 2, (nil) trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 2, (nil) Raphaël> fixme:win32:CreateIoCompletionPort (0xffffffff, (nil), Raphaël> 00000000, 00000000): stub. trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 2, Raphaël> (nil) trace:imm:DllMain 0x42120000, 2, (nil) Raphaël> fixme:imm:ImmGetContext (0x10021): stub Raphaël> fixme:imm:ImmGetOpenStatus ((nil)): semi-stub
The traces don't show a crash...