On Thu, 2018-05-24 at 08:14 -0500, Zebediah Figura wrote:
or if I indent like this:
UINT __attribute__((__stdcall__)) __attribute__((__force_align_arg_pointer__)) pa_present(MSIHANDLE hinst) { ... for (winetest_start_todo(!MsiGetMode(hinst, MSIRUNMODE_SCHEDULED)); winetest_loop_todo(); winetest_end_todo()) check_reg_str(hinst, key, name_dotnet, "rcHQPHq?CA@Uv-XqMI1e>Z'q,T*76M@=YEg6My?~]"); RegCloseKey(key);}
the warning goes away. Does that answer your question?
Sure, I understand that part, but I don't understand why no similar warning appears with the todo_wine macro from wine/test.h.
It gives the same warning here, except when the following statement is ok() from wine/test.h...